Vision and Mission


Thevision of IQAC of Government Mahendra Karma Girls College, Dantewada is toensure quality the defining element of higher education and make the qualityculture with the combination of academic and Co-curricular activities, externalquality evaluation, promotion and sustenance initiatives throughinstitutionalizing and internalizing all the initiatives taken with internaland external support.


Themission of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent, and catalyticimprovement in the overall performance of institutions and promote measures forinstitutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalizationof quality culture and institutionalization of best practices. For this purposeto establish the coordination among the various committees constituted in thecollege. Further to discuss and analyze the various topics and agendarecommended by different committees to channelize its efforts and measurestowards promoting the holistic academic excellence including the peer committeerecommendations.